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We greatly appreciate the proud sponsors of the Western Legacy Center.

These are folks who have & continue to help us share the greatness of the beautiful state of Montana, culturally, ecologically, and in the great sport of Rodeo.

Their generous donations have helped us build our vision & also help us take care of the center at the same time, between upkeep of our displays, helping us expand & taking care of our employees.

We are beyond grateful for their patronage!


Rancher ($500-$999): Name on Donor Board WLC Card, 10% off Museum Store, and WLC Cap

Sponsorship - Rancher Level

PrecioDesde 500,00$

    Productos relacionados

    Visit us in person for an even wider selection of unique gifts!

    Hours of Operation
    Monday - 10am to 5pm
    Tuesday - 10am to 5pm
    Wednesday - 10am to 2pm
    Thursday - 10am to 5pm
    Friday - 10am to 5pm
    Saturday - 10am to 5pm
    Sunday -